heron bay river . refine . relax
E-Applications open from 16 - 23 September 2012
Call 98805546 or click here to submit your enquiry
(* These Frequently Asked Questions are meant to highlight some common questions and answers for general information only.)
Can a person who is currently going through divorce proceedings and waiting for the divorce to be finalized, submit an application to purchase an Executive Condominium (EC) Unit from the developer with his fiancée?
No, he can only submit an application for the purchase of an EC Unit from the developer after his divorce has been finalized. That is after he has obtained the Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final or Divorce Certificate for a Muslim divorce.
Can I buy an Executive Condominium (EC) Unit if I am an existing owner of a private property in Singapore/overseas?
If you or your spouse owns a private property in Singapore/overseas, you are not eligible to buy an EC Unit from the developer unless the property owned by you, falls within any of the categories in Annex A of the application form.
I owe HDB money, for example the $5,000 registration deposit when my earlier flat application with HDB was cancelled. Do I need to pay this to HDB now?
Yes, you will need to pay up (with interest if applicable) to HDB before you can qualify to buy another subsidized housing, Executive Condominium (EC) Unit or DBSS flat. As you are buying an EC Unit, you are required to pay the amount to the EC developer by cheque or Cashier’s Order issued in favour of “HDB” before you sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the EC Unit.
For more information, please visit the HDB website